Solo project.
Example of
User research, market research, user testing with paper prototypes.
Content mapping, site mapping, wire framing.
Used Lucid chart, Balsamiq, Sketch, and Invision.
Amplify Creative is an app that connects Asian American people in creative fields.
The app seeks to be a social portfolio where creatives can showcase their work,
while also finding connections and resources within and beyond Asian American communities.
Portfolios are specifically for people of Asian origin,
but companies looking for fresh perspectives to work with can explore and connect
with creatives by signing up as a Collaborator.
The only social platform that showcases Asian creators,
while creating a community of connection and an amplification of voices.
Be heard. Or join in, and listen.
Everyone is welcome.
Amplify Creative hopes to foster a culture of collaboration
that rises above the scarcity myth of competition,
by having features like recommend where you can connect
one creative to another or to an outside collaborator.
Empathy of Self: I started with mapping out issues that I personally struggle with, ranging from a deathly tree nut allergy to a long distance relationship application. I decided on this tension I see in the creative landscape in Atlanta and sought out to create a solution.
Empathy of Target Users: After talking to a handful of Asian American creatives, I found that there was a need for connection, collaboration, celebration, mentorship, and introductions to wider networks.
“I am tired of fighting to be seen in a place that seems uninterested in my perspective.”
I looked to see what else was out there on the market. Save for a few meetups and events that allow people to gather, there wasn’t anything that offered a place for ASAM people to connect.
Once I saw what else was out there, I asked those creatives what kind of platforms they felt comfortable with and used most often. The responses were overwhelmingly Instagram, VSCO, and at the least Behance type platforms.
So I sought out to create something that was similar to lessen the adaptation time and encourage intuitive use, while also adding features that serves these users in a way that those apps don’t.
Portfolio to showcase the creative’s photography, illustration, writing, craft, etc.
Can segment by geographic region or craft.Connection and collaboration network where creatives can reach out to each other for resources, partnership, or just community. Creatives will be able to even recommend connections to others.
Employers/contractors [that don’t have to be of Asian descent] can sign up as Collaborators
and discover/hire from a network of diverse perspectives.Opportunities board to allow Creatives and Collaborators
to post job or projects, even partnerships on a board.
Target users
Fresh Creative - starting out in their craft, looking for community, inspiration and possibly mentorship.
Seasoned Creative - looking for connections or to showcase work, to be inspired to level up or expand.
Social Creative - searching for community for potential collaborations, but more focused on relationships and connection.
Collaborator - exploring differing perspectives for hire or special projects.
Kailee, 27- Social Creative
Atlanta, Ga
Freelance Videographer and Photographer
Loves exploring cities and different hobbies.
Kailee is always looking for different cultures and communities to learn about and connect with. On the weekends, she's catching up on more work, because the freelance life has nontraditional hours. She's also biking to meet friends and will attempt cooking things she's tried in restaurants.
She's looking for a way to get her work out there without having to spread her work all over her social feeds or go to networking events. She also is looking for collaborators for some passion projects. Generally, Kavi is looking for community as being a freelancer can be isolating and exhausting.
Marcus, 35 - Collaborator
Atlanta, Ga
African American
Creative Director
Values time with family and community development
Marcus has worked really hard thus far to build his career. He’s finally in a leadership position that provides autonomy and reach. He’s always looking for more talent to bring fresh and different perspectives that can really disrupt and delight creative projects.
He’s frustrated, because his networks and network’s networks seem to be an echo chamber of similar styles and perspectives. He keeps getting recommended the same people. He’s looking to expand his network and hopefully take some chances on some new talent.
Marcus wants to leverage his position to make way for people who deserve chances.
Client/Designer Goals
Amplify diverse perspectives.
Encourage collaboration over competition.
Build communities that combat creative isolation.
Create a beautiful, delightful, and intuitive portfolio platform.
Existing Apps — Marketplace Research
“Shapr is the easiest way to build meaningful professional relationships.. Conversations started through Shapr have produced job opportunities, mentorship, successful investments and partnerships of all shapes and sizes. ”
A Paris/NY based app that helps professionals connect based on your industry, work experience, networking goals, location and up to ten interests to curate a daily batch of around 15 relevant professionals in your area.
“Welcome to the playground for creative collaboration. We are proud to reveal the new Daisie, where creators can access the community and tools they need to bring their projects to life.”
Daisie allows users to connect with creators locally and globally, collaborate, and find new audiences and communities.
“From those just getting started to industry leaders in film, photography, literature, design, art, digital, makeup and beyond, Daisie brings creators together and supports them to do amazing work.”
People of Craft
“People of Craft is a growing showcase of creatives of color and their craft in design, advertising, tech, illustration, lettering, art, and more. It’s time to redefine what a creative looks like.”
People of Craft is a website that showcases creatives of color by city and craft. The site allows for one photo or headshot, along with a portfolio link and social media link.
A Closer Look at Two Functions
Set up portfolio.
Create username.
Fill in profile with bio, geographical region, interests.
Select pieces to feature.
Write in descriptions and include links
Add appropriate tags/ keywords.
Publish and connect with others.
Collaborator finds contractor.
Create username.
Fill in profile with company bio, needs, links.
Search region or craft.
Explore profiles and favorite into lists.
Select creative, email using profile link.
The initial iteration of the product was called Yellow Creative as a placeholder.
It was a riff on reclaiming a word that has always had negative connotations.
The color yellow is sun, light, and delight.
It is associated with growth, energy, and friendship.
Yellow is still used throughout the product as a highlight.
When I was create rough wireframes on paper,
I researched what kinds of apps creatives tend to use,
along with what the marketplace is creating.
I saw a lot of gallery-type communities and search engines
that allow for visuals to speak for themselves while
also producing a visually pleasant aesthetic experience.
Wireframe Map
UI Mood
Imaginative yet elegant.
Cool but not serious.
Friendly but mature.
Full of actionable possibility.
This prototype features the “explore function.”
High Fidelity Prototype
In the next iteration of Amplify, I decided to build and explore the recommend functions.
Amplify’s users primarily long for a genuine way to connect with others without having to sift and scroll through so much, therefore that is the primary focus.
How do we allow users to easily find, to be found?
How do we allow users to be seen, to be heard?
In hopes that they are then amplified, and amplify others.
hotspot pathways:
“A rising tide lifts all boats.”